Precast Cement Concrete Products

  With the growing development and expansion we as manufacturer of precast concrete products ideally placed to meet the needs of modern day industry in every respect.


  Precast concrete is created off-site by using a mould. That’s the main difference between precast concrete and site cast concrete. Here is a simplified overview of the precast concrete process

  • Precast concrete is poured into a wooden or steel mould with wire mesh or rebar. This mould may also have prestressed cable, if needed.
  • It is cured in a controlled environment at plant itself.
  • Once finished, the precast concrete is transported to a construction site and put into place.

  This process is faster, safer and affordable than standard concrete. Precast concrete materials help you maximize your project’s potential while making sure it is completed on time. They are also among the most versatile products in construction.


Precast RCC Drain Works
Precast RCC Drain Works
RCC Louvers & Fins
RCC Louvers & Fins
Cable Trench Tiles (With & Without Reinforcement)
Cable Trench Tiles (With & Without Reinforcement)
Route Markers
Route Markers
Precast RCC Sleepers
Pre-stressed Concrete Items
Pre-stressed Concrete Items
RCC Blocks
RCC Blocks
RCC Wall
RCC Wall
Precast RCC Hand Hole & Man Hole
Precast RCC Drain cover
RCC Fencing/Compound Poles
RCC Fencing/Compound Poles
Kerb Stones
Kerb Stones
Hollow Blocks/Solid Blocks
Hollow Blocks/Solid Blocks
RCC Cover Slabs for Various applications
RCC Cover Slabs for Various applications
RCC Pots etc.
RCC Pots etc.


  • Quality control
  • Energy efficient
  • Determined delivery date
  • Enables faster programmed times
  • High standard workmanship
  • Reduces accidents
  • Improves buildability Superior lifespan
  • Faster process
  • Versatile and durable
  • Low maintenance cost